American Red Cross Deluxe Family First Aid Kit

American Red Cross Deluxe Family First Aid Kit

Part Number:9162-RC

Regular price $88.96
Regular price Sale price $88.96
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  • Easy to store nylon bag makes this a perfect home first aid kit.
  • Latex free contents and room to store any extra's you may want to add to customize your kit.
  • Zipper case makes it easily accessible. 
  • American Red Cross brand is a highly recommended name in first aid. 
  • Perfect for home, schoool, auto, dorm room.
  • 114 Pieces


This unique book design allows you to view important first aid information on the left while coordinating content pieces are neatly stored on the right. All contents are latex-free. The zippered case includes a handle for easy carrying when you are on the go. 
This nylon flexible case is ideal to keep in every home. It has all of the family first aid essentials and is well organized in a clear plastic pouch encased by a red nylon bag. content pieces are neatly stored on the right. All contents are latex-free. The zippered case includes a handle for easy carrying when you are on the go.
Employee Count .....
1 - 24


UPC .....
Weight .....
2.05 lb
Width .....
Height .....
Depth .....


Piece CountDescription
2 Chewable aspirin tablets, 81 mg each
5 Triple antibiotic ointment packs, 0.5g each
6 Antiseptic cleansing wipes (sting free)
2 Hydrocortisone cream packs, 1%, 0.9g each
2 Hand sanitizer packs, 0.9g each
2 Trauma pads, 5" x 9"
6 Gauze dressing pads, 4" x 4"
6 Gauze Dressing Pads, 3" x 3"
1 Conforming gauze roll bandage, 4"
1 Conforming gauze roll bandage, 3"
1 First aid tape roll, 1" x 10 yd.
1 Instant cold compress
1 CPR one-way valve face shield, latex-free
1 Emergency blanket
2 Triangular sling/bandages (safety pins included)
25 Adhesive plastic bandages, 3/4" x 3"
15 Adhesive plastic bandages, 1" x 3"
3 Elbow and knee plastic bandages, 2" x 4"
10 Junior adhesive plastic bandages, 3/8" x 1-1/2"
5 Patch plastic bandages, 1-1/2" x 1-1/2"
3 Knuckle fabric bandages
3 Fingertip fabric bandages
4 Thermometers (one time use)
1 pairPlastic tweezers
1 pairScissors
4 Latex-free exam-quality vinyl gloves, 2 pairs
1 American Red Cross Emergency First Aid Guide

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