Collection: First Aid Kits
We offer a full line of first aid solutions.
Choose from a complete line of industrial first aid kits and cabinets, refills, safety items, a refreshed line of consumer kits and other accessories.
SmartCompliance Cabinets
First Aid Only’s SmartCompliance program redefines business first aid by making it easy to stay compliant and substantially reduce your costs. The innovative cabinet design eliminates disorganized and missing components ensuring your business stays compliant. The SmartTab Refill system reminds you when certain items are running low. Cabinets available in styles and sizes ranging from medium to XXL depending on the type of business and number of employees.
FAO Safety Hub App
Allows you to monitor usage to stay compliant. The FAO SafetyHub App will remind you when it's time to reorder. It will also benchmark your consumption data to allow you to compare usage trends.
Unitized Cabinets & Kits
Each kit is filled with color coded clearly marked units. Each unit has individually wrapped items for sterility and the color coding for organization and easy location in an emergency situation. Individual refills offered to keep your kit in compliance and to order what is needed. We offer these in stations and smaller kit sizes and in both plastic and metal, as well as weatherproof and waterproof versions.
Bulk Kits
Bulk kits have the basic essentials you need. Some kits have dividers to allow for some organization of the supplies. The kit contents are typically not boxed or color coded and may be loose items, so they are easy to grab in an emergency.
Emergency Preparedness Backpacks
Disasters Happen. Make sure you have a plan. First Aid Only has a range of Emergency Preparedness kits to help your business or family deal with a natural disaster. Kits for one-day, 3-days or more.
Bloodborne Pathogen Kits
Be prepared for that deep cut on the job or if the stomach bug goes viral in your office. BBP and Biohazard kits are what you need on hand and you may not realize you need one until you are in this emergency type situation so keep you and your employees protected.
Burn Care
On the job, in the kitchen or in a restaurant you never know when you may burn yourself from a stove or from a chemical burn or worksite burn. These kits have you covered.
CPR First Aid
CPR Masks for adults and kids and CPR kits available. Ideal for homes, schools and any office or jobsite.
Vehicle First Aid
Kits that are ideal to hang in your work truck or put in your trunk or seat. They offer the emergency supplies you need when you are on the road.
Home First Aid kits and Recreational Kits
We offer bulk kits in plastic cases and flexible nylon cases that are easy to store. First aid kits are great to have in your home, your care, your garage and on the go for sporting events, camping and hiking and more.
- {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%} - {%- assign swatch_options = 'Colour~~Color' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_options = '' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign text_options = 'Size' | downcase | split: "~~" | uniq -%} {%- assign image_size = '360x504' -%} {%- assign no_image = '' -%} {%- assign featured_image = product.featured_image -%} {%- assign product_price = product.price -%} {%- assign product_compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- assign variant_url = '' -%} {%- assign variants_count = product.variants | size -%} {%- assign lazy_load = false %} {%- if forloop.index > 2 -%} {%- assign lazy_load = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign card_product = product %} {%- assign media_aspect_ratio = section.settings.image_ratio %} {%- assign show_secondary_image = section.settings.show_secondary_image %} {%- assign show_vendor = section.settings.show_vendor %} {%- assign show_rating = section.settings.show_rating %} {%- assign show_quick_add = section.settings.enable_quick_add %} {%- assign section_id = %} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- if card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'portrait' -%} {%- assign ratio = 0.8 -%} {%- elsif card_product.featured_image and media_aspect_ratio == 'adapt' -%} {%- assign ratio = card_product.featured_image.aspect_ratio -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if ratio == 0 or ratio == nil -%} {%- assign ratio = 1 -%} {%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.featured_image -%}
{%- if card_product.images[1] != nil and show_secondary_image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}{{ card_product.title | escape }}
{{ card_product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}{%- if show_vendor -%}{{ card_product.vendor }}{%- endif -%} {%- if show_rating and != blank -%} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0 %} {%- assign decimal = | modulo: 1 %} {% if decimal >= 0.3 and decimal <= 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 0.5 %} {% elsif decimal > 0.7 %} {%- assign rating_decimal = 1 %} {% endif %} {%- assign rating_value = %} {%- assign rating_max = 5 %}{{ }} / 5
({{ }})
{%- endif -%} {%- assign product = card_product %} {%- assign price_class = '' %} {%- if use_variant -%} {%- assign target = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign target = product -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign compare_at_price = target.compare_at_price -%} {%- assign price = target.price -%} {%- assign available = target.available | default: false -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money -%} {%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%} {%- assign money_price = price | money_with_currency -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if target == product and product.price_varies -%} {%- assign price = money_price %} {%- capture money_price %} {% endcapture %} {%- endif -%}{{ money_price }}{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}{% if settings.currency_code_enabled %} {{ compare_at_price | money_with_currency }} {% else %} {{ compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %}{%- endunless -%} {{ money_price }}{% if product.available %}In Stock
{% else %}Out of Stock
{% endif %}{%- assign product_form_id = 'quick-add-' | append: section_id | append: -%} {%- if variants_count == 1 -%}{%- endif -%}{%- assign product_name = card_product.title | escape %} {%- endif -%}{%- if card_product.available == false -%} {%- elsif card_product.compare_at_price > card_product.price and card_product.available -%} {%- endif -%}